[pot-as] /ˈpɒtˌæs/
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- Potassa
[puh-tas-uh] /pəˈtæs ə/ noun, Chemistry. 1. .
- Potassic
[puh-tas-ik] /pəˈtæs ɪk/ adjective 1. of, relating to, or containing .
- Potassium
[puh-tas-ee-uh m] /pəˈtæs i əm/ noun, Chemistry. 1. a silvery-white metallic element that oxidizes rapidly in the air and whose compounds are used as fertilizer and in special hard glasses. Symbol: K; atomic weight: 39.102; atomic number: 19; specific gravity: 0.86 at 20°C. /pəˈtæsɪəm/ noun 1. a light silvery element of the alkali metal group […]
- Potassium-40
potassium-40 n. A naturally occurring beta-emitting radioactive isotope of potassium having a half-life of 1.3 billion years; it is the chief source of natural radioactivity of living tissue.
- Potassium-42
potassium-42 n. An artificially produced beta-emitting isotope of potassium having a half-life of 12.36 hours; it is used as a radioactive tracer in studies of potassium distribution in bodily fluids.