
the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.
a particular instance or mode of investing.
a thing invested in, as a business, a quantity of shares of stock, etc.
something that is invested; sum invested.
the act or fact of investing or state of being invested, as with a garment.
a devoting, using, or giving of time, talent, emotional energy, etc., as for a purpose or to achieve something:
His investment in the project included more time than he cared to remember.
Biology. any covering, coating, outer layer, or integument, as of an animal or vegetable.
the act of investing with a quality, attribute, etc.
investiture with an office, dignity, or right.
a siege or blockade; the surrounding of a place with military forces or works, as in besieging.
Also called investment compound. Metallurgy. a refractory material applied in a plastic state to a pattern to make a mold.
Archaic. a garment or vestment.

the act of investing money
the amount invested
an enterprise, asset, etc, in which money is or can be invested


the act of investing effort, resources, etc
the amount invested

(economics) the amount by which the stock of capital (plant, machinery, materials, etc) in an enterprise or economy changes
(biology) the outer layer or covering of an organ, part, or organism
a less common word for investiture (sense 1)
the act of investing or state of being invested, as with an official robe, a specific quality, etc
(rare) the act of besieging with military forces, works, etc

investment definition

The purchase of property with the expectation that its value will increase over time.

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