
[mod-uh-fi-key-shuh n] /ˌmɒd ə fɪˈkeɪ ʃən/
an act or instance of modifying.
the state of being modified; partial alteration.
a modified form; variety.
Biology. a change in a living organism acquired from its own activity or environment and not transmitted to its descendants.
limitation or qualification.

the use of a modifier in a construction, or of modifiers in a class of constructions or in a language.
the meaning of a modifier, especially as it affects the meaning of the word or other form modified:
Limitation is one kind of modification.
a change in the phonological shape of a morpheme, word, or other form when it functions as an element in a construction, as the change of not to -n’t in doesn’t.
an adjustment in the form of a word as it passes from one language to another.

the act of modifying or the condition of being modified
something modified; the result of a modification
a small change or adjustment
(grammar) the relation between a modifier and the word or phrase that it modifies

modification mod·i·fi·ca·tion (mŏd’ə-fĭ-kā’shən)
Any of the changes in an organism that are caused by environment or activity and are not genetically transmissable to offspring.
A change in an organism that results from external influences and cannot be inherited.

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