
agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible:
a rational plan for economic development.
having or exercising reason, sound judgment, or good sense:
a calm and rational negotiator.
being in or characterized by full possession of one’s reason; sane; lucid:
The patient appeared perfectly rational.
endowed with the faculty of reason:
rational beings.
of, relating to, or constituting reasoning powers:
the rational faculty.
proceeding or derived from reason or based on reasoning:
a rational explanation.

capable of being expressed exactly by a ratio of two integers.
(of a function) capable of being expressed exactly by a ratio of two polynomials.

Classical Prosody. capable of measurement in terms of the metrical unit or mora.
Mathematics. rational number.
using reason or logic in thinking out a problem
in accordance with the principles of logic or reason; reasonable
of sound mind; sane: the patient seemed quite rational
endowed with the capacity to reason; capable of logical thought: man is a rational being
(maths) expressible as a ratio of two integers or polynomials: a rational number; a rational function
(maths) a rational number

rational ra·tion·al (rāsh’ə-nəl)

Having or exercising the ability to reason.

Influenced by reasoning rather than by emotion.

Of sound mind; sane.

Based on scientific knowledge or theory rather than practical observation.

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