
a district, as of a city, marked out for governmental or administrative purposes, or for police protection.
Also called precinct house. the police station in such a district.
Also called election district. one of a fixed number of districts, each containing one polling place, into which a city, town, etc., is divided for voting purposes.
a space or place of definite or understood limits.
Often, precincts. an enclosing boundary or limit.
precincts, the parts or regions immediately surrounding a place; environs:
the precincts of a town.
Chiefly British. the ground immediately surrounding a church, temple, or the like.
a walled or otherwise bounded or limited space within which a building or place is situated.

an enclosed area or building marked by a fixed boundary such as a wall
such a boundary

an area in a town, often closed to traffic, that is designed or reserved for a particular purpose: a shopping precinct, pedestrian precinct

a district of a city for administrative or police purposes
the police responsible for such a district

(US) a polling or electoral district

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