
the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale:
the manufacture of television sets.
the making or producing of anything; generation:
the manufacture of body cells.
the thing or material manufactured; product:
Plastic is an important manufacture.
verb (used with object), manufactured, manufacturing.
to make or produce by hand or machinery, especially on a large scale.
to work up (material) into form for use:
to manufacture cotton.
to invent fictitiously; fabricate; concoct:
to manufacture an account of the incident.
to produce in a mechanical way without inspiration or originality:
to manufacture a daily quota of poetry.
to process or make (a product) from a raw material, esp as a large-scale operation using machinery
(transitive) to invent or concoct: to manufacture an excuse
the production of goods, esp by industrial processes
a manufactured product
the creation or production of anything

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