

Read Also:

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    adjective 1. of, relating to, or concerned with politics: political writers. 2. of, relating to, or connected with a political party: a political campaign. 3. exercising or seeking power in the governmental or public affairs of a state, municipality, etc.: a political machine; a political boss. 4. of, relating to, or involving the state or […]

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  • Preponderant

    [pri-pon-der-uh nt] /prɪˈpɒn dər ənt/ adjective 1. superior in weight, force, influence, numbers, etc.; prevailing: a preponderant misconception. preponderant /prɪˈpɒndərənt/ adjective 1. greater in weight, force, influence, etc

  • Preponderantly

    [pri-pon-der-uh nt] /prɪˈpɒn dər ənt/ adjective 1. superior in weight, force, influence, numbers, etc.; prevailing: a preponderant misconception. preponderant /prɪˈpɒndərənt/ adjective 1. greater in weight, force, influence, etc

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