
noun, plural pylori
[pahy-lawr-ahy, -lohr-ahy, pi-] /paɪˈlɔr aɪ, -ˈloʊr aɪ, pɪ-/ (Show IPA). Anatomy.
the opening between the stomach and the duodenum.
noun (pl) -ri (-raɪ)
the small circular opening at the base of the stomach through which partially digested food (chyme) passes to the duodenum

pylorus py·lo·rus (pī-lôr’əs)
n. pl. py·lo·ri (-lôr’ī’)

The passage at the lower end of the stomach that opens into the duodenum.

A muscular or myovascular structure that opens or closes an orifice or lumen of an organ.

(pī-lôr’əs, pĭ-)
Plural pylori (pī-lôr’ī’, pĭ-)
The passage at the lower end of the stomach that opens into the small intestine.

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