of, relating to, or intended for a child between infancy and school age:
new methods of preschool education.
a school or nursery for preschool children.
(of a child) under the age at which compulsory education begins
(of services) for or relating to preschool children
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- Preschooler
noun 1. a child below the official school starting age, usually a child up to age five.
- Preschooling
[pree-skoo-ling] /priˈsku lɪŋ/ noun 1. the education of preschool children.
- Preprint
noun 1. an advance printing, usually of a portion of a book or of an article in a periodical. verb (used with object) 2. to print for future use. 3. to print a preprint.
- Preprimary
adjective, Politics. 1. preceding a primary election: preprimary endorsement.
- Prescientific
adjective 1. of or relating to science or the sciences: scientific studies. 2. occupied or concerned with science: scientific experts. 3. regulated by or conforming to the principles of exact science: scientific procedures. 4. systematic or accurate in the manner of an exact science. prescientific /ˌpriːsaɪənˈtɪfɪk/ adjective 1. of or relating to the period before […]