
noun, Chiefly British.
pretending or feigning; make-believe:
My sleepiness was all pretense.
a false show of something:
a pretense of friendship.
a piece of make-believe.
the act of pretending or alleging falsely.
a false allegation or justification:
He excused himself from the lunch on a pretense of urgent business.
insincere or false profession:
His pious words were mere pretense.
the putting forth of an unwarranted claim.
the claim itself.
any allegation or claim:
to obtain money under false pretenses.
pretension (usually followed by to):
destitute of any pretense to wit.
the act of pretending
a false display; affectation
a claim, esp a false one, to a right, title, or distinction
make-believe or feigning
a false claim or allegation; pretext
a less common word for pretension (sense 3)

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