an advance or preliminary testing or trial, as of a new product.
a test given to determine if students are sufficiently prepared to begin a new course of study.
a test taken for practice.
verb (used with object)
to give a pretest to (a student, product, etc.).
verb (used without object)
to conduct a pretest:
to pretest for consumer acceptance.
verb (transitive)
to test (something) before presenting it to its intended public or client
noun (ˈpriːtɛst)
the act or instance of pretesting
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- Pre-testing
noun 1. an advance or preliminary testing or trial, as of a new product. 2. a test given to determine if students are sufficiently prepared to begin a new course of study. 3. a test taken for practice. verb (used with object) 4. to give a pretest to (a student, product, etc.). verb (used without […]
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