a city in and the administrative capital of the Republic of South Africa, in the NE part: also the capital of Transvaal.
a province in the NE Republic of South Africa. 110,450 sq. mi. (286,066 sq. km).
Capital: Pretoria.
a city in N South Africa, the administrative capital of South Africa; formerly capital of Transvaal province: two universities (1873, 1930); large steelworks. Pop: 525 384 (2001) Also called Tshwane
former province of NE South Africa: colonized by the Boers after the Great Trek (1836); became a British colony in 1902; joined South Africa in 1910; replaced in 1994 for administrative purposes by a new system of provinces (Eastern Transvaal (later Mpumalanga), Northern Transvaal (later Limpopo), Gauteng, and North West province). Capital: Pretoria
Pretoria [(pri-tawr-ee-uh)]
Administrative capital of South Africa. (See also Cape Town.)
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noun 1. Railroads. a self-propelled, connected group of rolling stock. 2. a line or procession of persons, vehicles, animals, etc., traveling together. 3. Military. an aggregation of vehicles, animals, and personnel accompanying an army to carry supplies, baggage, ammunition, etc. 4. a series or row of objects or parts. 5. Machinery. a connected set of […]
- Pretraining
noun 1. Railroads. a self-propelled, connected group of rolling stock. 2. a line or procession of persons, vehicles, animals, etc., traveling together. 3. Military. an aggregation of vehicles, animals, and personnel accompanying an army to carry supplies, baggage, ammunition, etc. 4. a series or row of objects or parts. 5. Machinery. a connected set of […]
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noun 1. the act of transacting or the fact of being transacted. 2. an instance or process of transacting something. 3. something that is transacted, especially a business agreement. 4. Psychology. an interaction of an individual with one or more other persons, especially as influenced by their assumed relational roles of parent, child, or adult. […]
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verb (used with object) 1. to treat in advance or as part of a preliminary treatment: to pretreat wood before staining it.
- Pretreatment
verb (used with object) 1. to treat in advance or as part of a preliminary treatment: to pretreat wood before staining it.