Pretty kettle of fish

pretty kettle of fish

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  • Pretty much

    Almost, nearly, approximately, as in Our homework was pretty much finished. This adverbial usage differs from the use of pretty for “considerable” (as in pretty penny). [ c. 1800 ]

  • Pretty pictures

    (scientific computation) The next step up from numbers. Interesting graphical output from a program that may not have any sensible relationship to the system the program is intended to model, but good for showing to management. [Jargon File] (1995-02-15)

  • Pretty-pretty

    adjective 1. (informal) excessively or ostentatiously pretty

  • Prettyprint

    /prit’ee-print/ (Or “pretty-print”) To generate “pretty” human-readable output from a hairy internal representation; especially used for the process of grinding program code. [Jargon File] (1995-02-15)

  • Pretypify

    verb (used with object), pretypified, pretypifying. 1. to foreshadow or prefigure the type of: The father’s personality pretypified his son’s.

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