
Medicine/Medical. of or noting a drug, vaccine, etc., for preventing disease; prophylactic.
serving to prevent or hinder:
preventive measures.
Medicine/Medical. a drug or other substance for preventing disease.
a preventive agent or measure.
tending or intended to prevent or hinder

tending to prevent disease; prophylactic
of or relating to the branch of medicine concerned with prolonging life and preventing disease

(in Britain) of, relating to, or belonging to the customs and excise service or the coastguard
something that serves to prevent or hinder
(med) any drug or agent that tends to prevent or protect against disease
another name for contraceptive

preventive pre·ven·tive (prĭ-věn’tĭv) or pre·ven·ta·tive (-tə-tĭv)
Preventing or slowing the course of an illness or a disease; prophylactic. n.
A preventive agent or treatment.

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