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  • Priapic

    adjective 1. (sometimes initial capital letter) of or relating to Priapus; phallic. 2. characterized by or emphasizing a phallus: priapic figurines. 3. (of an image) suggestive of or resembling a phallus by its shape. 4. exaggeratedly concerned with masculinity and male sexuality. adjective 1. (sometimes capital) of or relating to Priapus 2. a less common […]

  • Priapism

    noun 1. Pathology. continuous, usually nonsexual erection of the penis, especially due to disease. 2. prurient behavior or display. noun 1. (pathol) prolonged painful erection of the penis, caused by neurological disorders, obstruction of the penile blood vessels, etc priapism pri·a·pism (prī’ə-pĭz’əm) n. Persistent, usually painful erection of the penis, especially as a consequence of […]

  • Priapismic

    noun 1. Pathology. continuous, usually nonsexual erection of the penis, especially due to disease. 2. prurient behavior or display. noun 1. (pathol) prolonged painful erection of the penis, caused by neurological disorders, obstruction of the penile blood vessels, etc priapism pri·a·pism (prī’ə-pĭz’əm) n. Persistent, usually painful erection of the penis, especially as a consequence of […]

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    noun, Pathology. 1. inflammation of the penis.

  • Priapus

    noun 1. Classical Mythology. a god of male procreative power, the son of Dionysus and Aphrodite. 2. (lowercase) a phallus. noun 1. (in classical antiquity) the god of the male procreative power and of gardens and vineyards 2. (often not capital) a representation of the penis

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