Prime computer

(Or “Pr1ME”) A minicomputer manufacturer.
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  • Prime-cost

    noun 1. that part of the cost of a commodity deriving from the labor and materials directly utilized in its manufacture. noun 1. the portion of the cost of a commodity that varies directly with the amount of it produced, principally comprising materials and labour Also called variable cost Compare overheads

  • Primary

    adjective 1. first or highest in rank or importance; chief; principal: his primary goals in life. 2. first in order in any series, sequence, etc. 3. first in time; earliest; primitive. 4. of, relating to, or characteristic of primary school: the primary grades. 5. constituting or belonging to the first stage in any process. 6. […]

  • Primarily

    adverb 1. essentially; mostly; chiefly; principally: They live primarily from farming. 2. in the first instance; at first; originally: Primarily a doctor, he later became a lawyer. adverb 1. principally; chiefly; mainly 2. at first; originally

  • Prime factorization

    noun the process of decomposing a number into its constituent prime numbers; the calculation of all prime factors in a number; also called [prime decomposition]

  • Prime-field

    noun, Mathematics. 1. a field that contains no proper subset that is itself a field.

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