noun, Banking.
prime rate.
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noun 1. the meridian running through Greenwich, England, from which longitude east and west is reckoned. prime meridian noun 1. the 0° meridian from which the other meridians or lines of longitude are calculated, usually taken to pass through Greenwich prime meridian (prīm) The meridian with a longitude of 0°, adopted officially in 1884 as […]
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noun 1. the principal minister and head of government in parliamentary systems; chief of the cabinet or ministry: the British prime minister. prime minister noun 1. the head of a parliamentary government 2. the chief minister of a sovereign or a state prime minister definition The head of government in many nations. Prime minister is […]
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noun 1. the principal minister and head of government in parliamentary systems; chief of the cabinet or ministry: the British prime minister. prime minister noun 1. the head of a parliamentary government 2. the chief minister of a sovereign or a state prime minister definition The head of government in many nations. Prime minister is […]
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noun 1. Mechanics. the initial agent, as wind or electricity, that puts a machine in motion. a machine, as a water wheel or steam engine, that receives and modifies energy as supplied by some natural source. 2. means of towing a cannon, as an animal, truck, or tractor. 3. Also called unmoved mover. Aristotelianism. that […]
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noun, Mathematics. 1. a positive integer that is not divisible without remainder by any integer except itself and 1, with 1 often excluded: The integers 2, 3, 5, and 7 are prime numbers. prime number noun 1. an integer that cannot be factorized into other integers but is only divisible by itself or 1, such […]