noun, (used with a plural verb)
a serving of the roasted ribs and meat from a prime cut of beef.
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noun 1. a card game fashionable in England in the 16th and 17th centuries. noun 1. (mainly Brit) a 16th- and 17th-century card game
- Primers
noun 1. an elementary book for teaching children to read. 2. any book of elementary principles: a primer of phonetics. 3. great primer. 4. long primer. noun 1. a person or thing that primes. 2. a cap, cylinder, etc., containing a compound that may be exploded by percussion or other means, used for firing a […]
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adjective 1. of the first importance; demanding the fullest consideration: a prime requisite. 2. of the greatest relevance or significance: a prime example. 3. of the highest eminence or rank: the prime authority on Chaucer. 4. of the greatest commercial value: prime building lots. 5. first-rate: This ale is prime! 6. (of meat, especially of […]
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noun the main person being investigated by those trying to solve a crime Examples The prime suspect in the psychologist’s murder is not a patient. Word Origin 1931
- Prime-time
noun, Radio and Television. 1. the hours, generally between 8 and 11 p.m., usually having the largest audience of the day. noun 1. the peak viewing time on television, for which advertising rates are the highest adjective 2. occurring during or designed for prime time: a primetime drama