[prahy-muh-jen-i-cher, -choo r] /ˌpraɪ məˈdʒɛn ɪ tʃər, -ˌtʃʊər/
the state or fact of being the firstborn of children of the same parents.
Law. the system of inheritance or succession by the firstborn, specifically the eldest son.
the state of being a first-born
(law) the right of an eldest son to succeed to the estate of his ancestor to the exclusion of all others Compare ultimogeniture
primogeniture [(preye-moh-jen-uh-choor, preye-moh-jen-uh-chuhr)]
A system of inheritance in which land passes exclusively to the eldest son. Until the Industrial Revolution, this system severely restricted the freedom of younger sons, who were often forced into the military or the clergy to earn a living.
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