
first or highest in rank, importance, value, etc.; chief; foremost.
of, of the nature of, or constituting principal or capital:
a principal investment.
Geometry. (of an axis of a conic) passing through the foci.
a chief or head.
the head or director of a school or, especially in England, a college.
a person who takes a leading part in any activity, as a play; chief actor or doer.
the first player of a division of instruments in an orchestra (excepting the leader of the first violins).
something of principal or chief importance.

a person who authorizes another, as an agent, to represent him or her.
a person directly responsible for a crime, either as an actual perpetrator or as an abettor present at its commission.
Compare accessory (def 3).

a person primarily liable for an obligation, in contrast with an endorser, or the like.
the main body of an estate, or the like, as distinguished from income.
Finance. a capital sum, as distinguished from interest or profit.

an organ stop.
the subject of a fugue.

(in a framed structure) a member, as a truss, upon which adjacent or similar members depend for support or reinforcement.
each of the combatants in a duel, as distinguished from the seconds.
adjective (prenominal)
first in importance, rank, value, etc; chief
denoting or relating to capital or property as opposed to interest, etc
a person who is first in importance or directs some event, action, organization, etc
(in Britain) a civil servant of an executive grade who is in charge of a section

a person who engages another to act as his agent
an active participant in a crime
the person primarily liable to fulfil an obligation

the head of a school or other educational institution
(in Scottish schools) a head of department

capital or property, as contrasted with the income derived from it
the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated

a main roof truss or rafter

the chief instrumentalist in a section of the orchestra
one of the singers in an opera company
either of two types of open diapason organ stops, one of four-foot length and pitch and the other of eight-foot length and pitch

the leading performer in a play

principal definition

The original amount of money lent, not including profits and interest.

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