
noun, Optics.
See under spectrometer.
[spek-trom-i-ter] /spɛkˈtrɒm ɪ tər/
noun, Optics.
an optical device for measuring wavelengths, deviation of refracted rays, and angles between faces of a prism, especially an instrument (prism spectrometer) consisting of a slit through which light passes, a collimator, a prism that deviates the light, and a telescope through which the deviated light is viewed and examined.
any instrument for producing a spectrum, esp one in which wavelength, energy, intensity, etc, can be measured See also mass spectrometer

spectrometer spec·trom·e·ter (spěk-trŏm’ĭ-tər)
A spectroscope equipped with scales for measuring wavelengths or indexes of refraction.
spec’tro·met’ric (-trə-mět’rĭk) adj.
A spectroscope equipped with devices for measuring the frequencies of the radiation observed by it.

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