
belonging to a class that enjoys special privileges; favored:
the privileged few.
entitled to or exercising a privilege.
restricted to a select group or individual:
privileged information; a privileged position.

not rendering the person making them liable to prosecution for libel or slander, in view of the attendant circumstances.
not requiring any testimony concerning them to be presented in court.

Navigation. (of a vessel) having the right of way.
a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most:
the privileges of the very rich.
a special right, immunity, or exemption granted to persons in authority or office to free them from certain obligations or liabilities:
the privilege of a senator to speak in Congress without danger of a libel suit.
a grant to an individual, corporation, etc., of a special right or immunity, under certain conditions.
the principle or condition of enjoying special rights or immunities.
any of the rights common to all citizens under a modern constitutional government:
We enjoy the privileges of a free people.
an advantage or source of pleasure granted to a person:
It’s my privilege to be here.
Stock Exchange. an option to buy or sell stock at a stipulated price for a limited period of time, including puts, calls, spreads, and straddles.
verb (used with object), privileged, privileging.
to grant a privilege to.
to exempt (usually followed by from).
to authorize or license (something otherwise forbidden).
enjoying or granted as a privilege or privileges

not actionable as a libel or slander
(of a communication, document, etc) that a witness cannot be compelled to divulge

(nautical) (of a vessel) having the right of way
a benefit, immunity, etc, granted under certain conditions
the advantages and immunities enjoyed by a small usually powerful group or class, esp to the disadvantage of others: one of the obstacles to social harmony is privilege
any of the fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens of a country by its constitution

the right of a lawyer to refuse to divulge information obtained in confidence from a client
the right claimed by any of certain other functionaries to refuse to divulge information: executive privilege

the rights and immunities enjoyed by members of most legislative bodies, such as freedom of speech, freedom from arrest in civil cases during a session, etc
(US, stock exchange) a speculative contract permitting its purchaser to make optional purchases or sales of securities at a specified time over a limited period of time See also call (sense 61), put (sense 20), spread (sense 24c), straddle (sense 9)
verb (transitive)
to bestow a privilege or privileges upon
(foll by from) to free or exempt

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