
of or relating to a Catholic church, especially the Roman Catholic Church.

(among Roman Catholics) claiming to possess exclusively the notes or characteristics of the one, only, true, and universal church having unity, visibility, indefectibility, apostolic succession, universality, and sanctity: used in this sense, with these qualifications, only by the Church of Rome, as applicable only to itself and its adherents and to their faith and organization; often qualified, especially by those not acknowledging these claims, by prefixing the word Roman.
(among Anglo-Catholics) noting or pertaining to the conception of the church as the body representing the ancient undivided Christian witness, comprising all the orthodox churches that have kept the apostolic succession of bishops, and including the Anglican Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, Church of Sweden, the Old Catholic Church (in the Netherlands and elsewhere), etc.

pertaining to the Western Church.
a member of a Catholic church, especially of the Roman Catholic Church.
universal; relating to all men; all-inclusive
comprehensive in interests, tastes, etc; broad-minded; liberal
adjective (Christianity)
denoting or relating to the entire body of Christians, esp to the Church before separation into the Greek or Eastern and Latin or Western Churches
denoting or relating to the Latin or Western Church after this separation
denoting or relating to the Roman Catholic Church
denoting or relating to any church, belief, etc, that claims continuity with or originates in the ancient undivided Church
a member of any of the Churches regarded as Catholic, esp the Roman Catholic Church

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