the contents of a cell within the cell membrane, considered as a fundamental entity.
the primordial living unit or cell.
a person or thing that is formed first; original; prototype.
the hypothetical first individual or one of the supposed first pair of a species or the like.
a unit consisting of the living parts of a cell, including the protoplasm and cell membrane but not the vacuoles or (in plants) the cell wall
protoplast pro·to·plast (prō’tə-plāst’)
The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed.
One that is the first made or formed; a prototype.
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/ˌprəʊtəʊˈpɔːfɪrɪn/ noun 1. a type of porphyrin that, when combined with an iron atom, forms haem, the oxygen-bearing prosthetic group of the red blood pigment haemoglobin protoporphyrin pro·to·por·phy·rin (prō’tō-pôr’fə-rĭn) n. A metal-free porphyrin that combines with iron to form the heme of iron-containing proteins.
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