
the original or model on which something is based or formed.
someone or something that serves to illustrate the typical qualities of a class; model; exemplar:
She is the prototype of a student activist.
something analogous to another thing of a later period:
a Renaissance prototype of our modern public housing.
Biology. an archetype; a primitive form regarded as the basis of a group.
verb (used with object), prototyped, prototyping.
to create the prototype or an experimental model of:
to prototype a solar-power car.
one of the first units manufactured of a product, which is tested so that the design can be changed if necessary before the product is manufactured commercially
a person or thing that serves as an example of a type
(biology) the ancestral or primitive form of a species or other group; an archetype

prototype pro·to·type (prō’tə-tīp’)
A primitive or ancestral form or species.

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