the act of protruding or the state of being protruded.
something that protrudes or projects.
something that protrudes
the state or condition of being protruded
the act or process of protruding
protrusion pro·tru·sion (prō-trōō’zhən)
The act of protruding.
The state of being protruded.
A position of the mandible forward from centric relation.
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- Protrusive
adjective 1. projecting or protuberant; thrusting forward, upward, or outward. 2. obtrusive. 3. Archaic. pushing forward; having propulsive force. adjective 1. tending to project or jut outwards 2. a less common word for obtrusive 3. (archaic) causing propulsion
- Protrusive occlusion
protrusive occlusion pro·tru·sive occlusion (prō-trōō’sĭv, prə-) n. Occlusion that results when the lower jaw is protruded forward from its centric position.
- Protuberance
[proh-too-ber-uh ns, -tyoo-, pruh-] /proʊˈtu bər əns, -ˈtyu-, prə-/ noun 1. the condition, state, or quality of being protuberant. 2. a protuberant part or thing; projection or bulge. protuberance pro·tu·ber·ance (prō-tōō’bər-əns, -tyōō’-, prə-) n. Something, such as a bulge, knob, or swelling, that protrudes. The condition of being protuberant.
- Protuberancy
[proh-too-ber-uh n-see, -tyoo-, pruh-] /proʊˈtu bər ən si, -ˈtyu-, prə-/ noun, plural protuberancies. 1. protuberance.
- Protuberant
adjective 1. bulging out beyond the surrounding surface; protruding; projecting: protuberant eyes. adjective 1. swelling out from the surrounding surface; bulging protuberant pro·tu·ber·ant (prō-tōō’bər-ənt, -tyōō’-, prə-) adj. Swelling outward; bulging. pro·tu’ber·ant·ly adv.