Protrusive occlusion
protrusive occlusion pro·tru·sive occlusion (prō-trōō’sĭv, prə-)
Occlusion that results when the lower jaw is protruded forward from its centric position.
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- Protuberance
[proh-too-ber-uh ns, -tyoo-, pruh-] /proʊˈtu bər əns, -ˈtyu-, prə-/ noun 1. the condition, state, or quality of being protuberant. 2. a protuberant part or thing; projection or bulge. protuberance pro·tu·ber·ance (prō-tōō’bər-əns, -tyōō’-, prə-) n. Something, such as a bulge, knob, or swelling, that protrudes. The condition of being protuberant.
- Protuberancy
[proh-too-ber-uh n-see, -tyoo-, pruh-] /proʊˈtu bər ən si, -ˈtyu-, prə-/ noun, plural protuberancies. 1. protuberance.
- Protuberant
adjective 1. bulging out beyond the surrounding surface; protruding; projecting: protuberant eyes. adjective 1. swelling out from the surrounding surface; bulging protuberant pro·tu·ber·ant (prō-tōō’bər-ənt, -tyōō’-, prə-) adj. Swelling outward; bulging. pro·tu’ber·ant·ly adv.
- Protuberant abdomen
protuberant abdomen n. Unusual or prominent convexity of the abdomen, due to excessive subcutaneous fat, poor muscle tone, or an increase in the contents of the abdomen.
- Protuberate
verb (used without object), protuberated, protuberating. 1. to bulge out, forming a rounded projection. verb 1. (intransitive) (rare) to swell out or project from the surrounding surface; bulge out