
[proh-ven-trik-yuh-luh s] /ˌproʊ vɛnˈtrɪk yə ləs/
noun, plural proventriculi
[proh-ven-trik-yuh-lahy] /ˌproʊ vɛnˈtrɪk yəˌlaɪ/ (Show IPA)
the glandular portion of the stomach of birds, in which food is partially digested before passing to the ventriculus or gizzard.
a similar enlargement in the alimentary tract of several invertebrates, variously modified for maceration and digestion.
noun (pl) -triculi (-ˈtrɪkjʊˌlaɪ)
the first part of the stomach of birds, the gizzard
the thick muscular stomach of crustaceans and insects; gizzard

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