
an administrative division or unit of a country.
the provinces.

the parts of a country outside of the capital or the largest cities.
(in England) all parts of the country outside of London.

a country, territory, district, or region.
Geography. physiographic province.
a department or branch of learning or activity:
the province of mathematics.
sphere or field of activity or authority, as of a person; office, function, or business:
Such decisions do not lie within his province.
a major subdivision of British India.
an ecclesiastical territorial division, as that within which an archbishop or a metropolitan exercises jurisdiction.

any of the North American colonies now forming major administrative divisions of Canada.
any of certain colonies of Great Britain which are now part of the U.S.

Roman History. a country or territory outside of Italy, brought under the ancient Roman dominion and administered by a governor sent from Rome.
Mining. an individual mineral-producing area.
a territory governed as a unit of a country or empire
a district, territory, or region
(pl) the provinces, those parts of a country lying outside the capital and other large cities and regarded as outside the mainstream of sophisticated culture
(ecology) a subdivision of a region, characterized by a particular fauna and flora
an area or branch of learning, activity, etc
the field or extent of a person’s activities or office
(RC Church, Church of England) an ecclesiastical territory, usually consisting of several dioceses, and having an archbishop or metropolitan at its head
a major administrative and territorial subdivision of a religious order
(history) a region of the Roman Empire outside Italy ruled by a governor from Rome

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