
belonging or peculiar to some particular province; local:
the provincial newspaper.
of or relating to the provinces:
provincial customs; provincial dress.
having or showing the manners, viewpoints, etc., considered characteristic of unsophisticated inhabitants of a province; rustic; narrow or illiberal; parochial:
a provincial point of view.
(often initial capital letter) Fine Arts. noting or pertaining to the styles of architecture, furniture, etc., found in the provinces, especially when imitating styles currently or formerly in fashion in or around the capital:
Italian Provincial.
History/Historical. of or relating to any of the American provinces of Great Britain.
a person who lives in or comes from the provinces.
a person who lacks urban sophistication or broad-mindedness.

the head of an ecclesiastical province.
a member of a religious order presiding over the order in a given district or province.

of or connected with a province
characteristic of or connected with the provinces; local
having attitudes and opinions supposedly common to people living in the provinces; rustic or unsophisticated; limited
(NZ) denoting a football team representing a province, one of the historical administrative areas of New Zealand
a person lacking the sophistications of city life; rustic or narrow-minded individual
a person coming from or resident in a province or the provinces
the head of an ecclesiastical province
the head of a major territorial subdivision of a religious order

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