situated toward the point of origin or attachment, as of a limb or bone.
Compare distal (def 1).
(anatomy) situated close to the centre, median line, or point of attachment or origin Compare distal
another word for proximate
proximal prox·i·mal (prŏk’sə-məl)
Nearer to a point of reference such as an origin, a point of attachment, or the midline of the body.
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adjective 1. situated toward the point of origin or attachment, as of a limb or bone. Compare distal (def 1). adjective 1. (anatomy) situated close to the centre, median line, or point of attachment or origin Compare distal 2. another word for proximate proximal prox·i·mal (prŏk’sə-məl) adj. Nearer to a point of reference such as […]
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adjective 1. next; nearest; immediately before or after in order, place, occurrence, etc. 2. close; very near. 3. approximate; fairly accurate. 4. forthcoming; imminent. adjective 1. next or nearest in space or time 2. very near; close 3. immediately preceding or following in a series 4. a less common word for approximate proximate prox·i·mate (prŏk’sə-mĭt) […]
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adjective 1. next; nearest; immediately before or after in order, place, occurrence, etc. 2. close; very near. 3. approximate; fairly accurate. 4. forthcoming; imminent. adjective 1. next or nearest in space or time 2. very near; close 3. immediately preceding or following in a series 4. a less common word for approximate proximate prox·i·mate (prŏk’sə-mĭt) […]
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