a design for detonating a charge, as in a projectile, within a predesignated radius of a target.
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plural noun 1. a diplomatic process whereby an impartial representative acts as go-between for two opposing parties who are willing to attend the same conference but unwilling to meet face to face noun diplomatic discussion between intermediaries, though the involved parties are closeby Usage Note politics
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adverb 1. in, of, or during the next month: on the 10th proximo. Compare instant (def 11), ultimo. adverb 1. (esp abbreviated in formal correspondence) in or during the next or coming month: a letter of the seventh proximo, prox Compare instant, ultimo
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noun, plural proxies. 1. the agency, function, or power of a person authorized to act as the deputy or substitute for another. 2. the person so authorized; substitute; agent. 3. a written authorization empowering another person to vote or act for the signer, as at a meeting of stockholders. 4. an ally or confederate who […]
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