prozone pro·zone (prō’zōn’)
The phenomenon in which mixtures of specific antigen and antibody do not agglutinate or precipitate visibly because of an excess of either antibody or antigen.
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1. present participle. abbreviation 1. performance-related pay 2. profit-related pay noun See platelet-rich plasma therapy PrP prion protein PRP potentially responsible party prp. present participle
- Prpp
PRPP 5-phospho-α-D-ribosyl 1-pyrophosphate
- Prs
1. pairs. abbreviation 1. pairs PRS price reporting system
1. personal rapid transit. abbreviation 1. (text messaging) party 2. personal rapid transit 3. petroleum revenue tax PRT 1. personal rapid transit 2. platinum resistance thermometers
- Prtc
PRTC priority real time command