an alcoholic wine-like drink made by prison inmates
Word Origin
1936; prune + o
Usage Note
U.S. slang
Read Also:
- Prunt
noun 1. a small mass of glass fused to the body of a glass piece.
- Prurience
adjective 1. having, inclined to have, or characterized by lascivious or lustful thoughts, desires, etc. 2. causing lasciviousness or lust. 3. having a restless desire or longing. adjective 1. unusually or morbidly interested in sexual thoughts or practices 2. exciting or encouraging lustfulness; erotic
- Prurient
adjective 1. having, inclined to have, or characterized by lascivious or lustful thoughts, desires, etc. 2. causing lasciviousness or lust. 3. having a restless desire or longing. adjective 1. unusually or morbidly interested in sexual thoughts or practices 2. exciting or encouraging lustfulness; erotic
- Pruriginous
adjective, Medicine/Medical. 1. of, relating to, or causing prurigo.
- Prurigo
noun, Pathology. 1. a skin condition characterized by itching papules. noun 1. a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by the formation of papules and intense itching prurigo pru·ri·go (pru-rī’gō) n. A chronic skin disease having various causes, marked by the eruption of pale, dome-shaped papules that itch severely. pru·rig’i·nous (-rĭj’ə-nəs) adj.