a river in E Europe, flowing SE from the Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine along the boundary between Moldavia (Moldova) and Romania into the Danube. 500 miles (800 km) long.
a river in E Europe, rising in SW Ukraine and flowing generally southeast, forming part of the border between Romania and Moldova, to join the River Danube. Length: 853 km (530 miles)
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noun, plural prutoth, prutot [proo-tawt] /pruˈtɔt/ (Show IPA) 1. prutah.
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noun, plural prutoth, prutot [proo-tawt] /pruˈtɔt/ (Show IPA) 1. a former aluminum coin of Israel, the thousandth part of a pound.
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noun, plural prutoth, prutot [proo-tawt] /pruˈtɔt/ (Show IPA) 1. prutah. noun, plural prutoth, prutot [proo-tawt] /pruˈtɔt/ (Show IPA) 1. a former aluminum coin of Israel, the thousandth part of a pound.
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