Persistent ALGOL. ca 1981, released 1985. A derivative of S-ALGOL. Database capability derived from the longevity of data. “The PS- Algol Reference Manual”, TR PPR-12-85, CS Dept, U Glasgow 1985. IBM PC version available from CS Dept, U Strathclyde, Glasgow.
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- Psalm
noun 1. a sacred song or hymn. 2. (initial capital letter) any of the songs, hymns, or prayers contained in the Book of Psalms. 3. a metric version or paraphrase of any of these. 4. a poem of a similar nature. noun 1. (often capital) any of the 150 sacred songs, lyric poems, and prayers […]
- Psalmbook
noun 1. a book containing psalms for liturgical or devotional use.
- Psalmody
noun, plural psalmodies. 1. the act, practice, or art of setting psalms to music. 2. psalms or hymns collectively. 3. the act, practice, or art of singing psalms. noun (pl) -dies 1. the act of singing psalms or hymns 2. the art or practice of the setting to music or singing of psalms
- Psalms
noun, (used with a singular verb) 1. a book of the Bible, composed of 150 songs, hymns, and prayers. Abbreviation: Ps. noun 1. a sacred song or hymn. 2. (initial capital letter) any of the songs, hymns, or prayers contained in the Book of Psalms. 3. a metric version or paraphrase of any of these. […]
- Psalter
noun 1. the Biblical book of Psalms. 2. (sometimes lowercase) a psalmbook. noun 1. another name for Psalms, esp in the version in the Book of Common Prayer 2. a translation, musical, or metrical version of the Psalms 3. a devotional or liturgical book containing a version of Psalms, often with a musical setting