prevention of significant deterioration: used as a standard of measurement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Portable Scheme Debugger.

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    adjective 1. of, pertaining to, characterized by, or resulting from prudence. 2. exercising prudence. 3. having discretionary or advisory authority, as in business matters. adjective 1. characterized by or resulting from prudence 2. exercising prudence or sound judgment

  • Prudential

    adjective 1. of, pertaining to, characterized by, or resulting from prudence. 2. exercising prudence. 3. having discretionary or advisory authority, as in business matters. adjective 1. characterized by or resulting from prudence 2. exercising prudence or sound judgment

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    adjective 1. wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober. 2. careful in providing for the future; provident: a prudent decision. adjective 1. discreet or cautious in managing one’s activities; circumspect 2. practical and careful in providing for the future 3. exercising good judgment or common sense

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  • Psec.

    psec. picosecond

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