
(in Britain) an act of Parliament that directs compensation to an author for the library loan of his or her book.
Public Lending Right
the right of authors to receive payment when their books are borrowed from public libraries PLR

Read Also:

  • Public-library

    noun 1. a nonprofit library established for the use of the general public and maintained chiefly by public funds.

  • Public-life

    noun 1. public service as an elected or appointed government official.

  • Public limited company

    noun 1. another name for public company Abbreviation plc, PLC

  • Publicly

    adverb 1. in a public or open manner or place. 2. by the public. 3. in the name of the community. 4. by public action or consent. adverb 1. in a public manner; without concealment; openly 2. in the name or with the consent of the public

  • Publicness

    noun 1. the quality or state of being public or being owned by the public.

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