Pubococcygeal muscle
pubococcygeal muscle pu·bo·coc·cyg·e·al muscle (pyōō’bō-kŏk-sĭj’ē-əl)
A muscle formed of the fibers of the elevator muscle of the anus, arising from the pelvic surface of the body of the pubis, and attaching to the coccyx.
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[pyoo-boh-kok-sij-ee-uh s, -sij-uh s] /ˌpyu boʊ kɒkˈsɪdʒ i əs, -ˈsɪdʒ əs/ noun 1. a muscle that stretches backward from the pubes toward the coccyx and forms part of the pelvic floor. Abbreviation: PC.
- Puboprostatic
puboprostatic pu·bo·pros·tat·ic (pyōō’bō-prŏ-stāt’ĭk) adj. Relating to the pubic bone and the prostate gland.
- Puboprostatic muscle
puboprostatic muscle n. The smooth muscle fibers within the puboprostatic ligament.
- Puborectal
puborectal pu·bo·rec·tal (pyōō’bō-rěk’təl) adj. Relating to the pubis and rectum.
- Puborectal muscle
puborectal muscle n. The part of the elevator muscle of the anus that passes from the body of the pubis around the anus to form a muscular sling at the level of the anorectal junction. The puborectal muscle relaxes during defecation.