puborectal pu·bo·rec·tal (pyōō’bō-rěk’təl)
Relating to the pubis and rectum.
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- Puborectal muscle
puborectal muscle n. The part of the elevator muscle of the anus that passes from the body of the pubis around the anus to form a muscular sling at the level of the anorectal junction. The puborectal muscle relaxes during defecation.
- Pubovesical
pubovesical pu·bo·ves·i·cal (pyōō’bō-věs’ĭ-kəl) adj. Relating to the pubic bone and the urinary bladder.
- Pubovesical muscle
pubovesical muscle n. Smooth muscle fibers within the female pubovesical ligament.
1. Public Utilities Commission.
- P.u.c.
1. Public Utilities Commission. P.U.C. Public Utilities Commission