
[pyoo-puh] /ˈpyu pə/

noun, plural pupae
[pyoo-pee] /ˈpyu pi/ (Show IPA), pupas.
an insect in the nonfeeding, usually immobile, transformation stage between the larva and the imago.
noun (pl) -pae (-piː), -pas
an insect at the immobile nonfeeding stage of development between larva and adult, when many internal changes occur See coarctate, exarate, obtect

“post-larval stage of an insect,” 1773, special use by Linnæus (1758) of Latin pupa “girl, doll, puppet” (see pupil (n.1)) on notion of “undeveloped creature.” Related: Pupal; pupiform.

Plural pupae (py’pē)
An insect in the nonfeeding stage of development between the larva and adult, during which it typically undergoes a complete transformation within a protective cocoon or hardened case. Only certain kinds of insects, such as moths, butterflies, ants, and beetles, develop as larvae and pupae. Compare imago, larva, nymph.

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