Put through the wringer
see: put through , def. 3.
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[poo-toh; Italian poot-taw] /ˈpu toʊ; Italian ˈput tɔ/ noun, plural putti [poo-tee; Italian poot-tee] /ˈpu ti; Italian ˈput ti/ (Show IPA). Fine Arts. 1. a representation of a cherubic infant, often shown winged. /ˈpʊtəʊ/ noun (pl) -ti (-tɪ) 1. a representation of a small boy, a cherub or cupid, esp in baroque painting or sculpture […]
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[puht-ee] /ˈpʌt i/ noun 1. .
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[puht-ee-er] /ˈpʌt i ər/ noun 1. a person who putties, as a glazier.
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[puht-ee] /ˈpʌt i/ noun 1. . [puht-ee] /ˈpʌt i/ noun, plural putties. 1. a compound of whiting and linseed oil, of a doughlike consistency when fresh, used to secure windowpanes, patch woodwork defects, etc. 2. any of various other compounds used for similar purposes. 3. any of various substances for sealing the joints of tubes […]
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[poo t] /pʊt/ verb (used with object), put, putting. 1. to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position: to put a book on the shelf. 2. to bring into some relation, state, etc.: to put everything in order. 3. to place in the charge […]