pyarthrosis py·ar·thro·sis (pī’är-thrō’sĭs)
See suppurative arthritis.
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1. variant of before a vowel: pycnium.
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[pik-nid-ee-uh m] /pɪkˈnɪd i əm/ noun, plural pycnidia [pik-nid-ee-uh] /pɪkˈnɪd i ə/ (Show IPA). Mycology. 1. (in certain ascomycetes and fungi imperfecti) a globose or flask-shaped fruiting body bearing conidia on conidiophores. /pɪkˈnɪdɪəm/ noun (pl) -ia (-ɪə) 1. a small flask-shaped structure containing spores that occurs in ascomycetes and certain other fungi
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[pik-nid-ee-uh m] /pɪkˈnɪd i əm/ noun, plural pycnidia [pik-nid-ee-uh] /pɪkˈnɪd i ə/ (Show IPA). Mycology. 1. (in certain ascomycetes and fungi imperfecti) a globose or flask-shaped fruiting body bearing conidia on conidiophores. /pɪkˈnɪdɪəm/ noun (pl) -ia (-ɪə) 1. a small flask-shaped structure containing spores that occurs in ascomycetes and certain other fungi