pyeloscopy py·e·los·co·py (pī’ə-lŏs’kə-pē)
Fluoroscopic observation of the pelvis and the calices of the kidney following injection of a contrast medium through the ureter.
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- Pyelostomy
pyelostomy py·e·los·to·my (pī’ə-lŏs’tə-mē) n. Surgical formation of an opening into the pelvis of the kidney to allow drainage of urine.
- Pyeloureterography
pyeloureterography py·e·lo·u·re·ter·og·ra·phy (pī’ə-lō-yu-rē’tə-rŏg’rə-fē, -yur’ĭ-) n. See pyelography.
- Pyelovenous
pyelovenous py·e·lo·ve·nous (pī’ə-lō-vē’nəs) adj. Of or relating to the pelvis of the kidney and the renal veins.
- Pyemesis
pyemesis py·em·e·sis (pī-ěm’ĭ-sĭs) n. The vomiting of pus.
- Pyemic abscess
pyemic abscess n. A hematogenous abscess resulting from pyemia, septicemia, or bacteremia. Also called septicemic abscess.