
[pahy-lawr-uh s, -lohr-, pi-] /paɪˈlɔr əs, -ˈloʊr-, pɪ-/

noun, plural pylori
[pahy-lawr-ahy, -lohr-ahy, pi-] /paɪˈlɔr aɪ, -ˈloʊr aɪ, pɪ-/ (Show IPA). Anatomy.
the opening between the stomach and the duodenum.
noun (pl) -ri (-raɪ)
the small circular opening at the base of the stomach through which partially digested food (chyme) passes to the duodenum

1610s, from Late Latin pylorus “the lower orifice of the stomach,” from Greek pyloros, literally “gatekeeper, porter,” from pyle “gate” (see pylon) + ouros “watcher, guardian” (see warrant (n.)). Related: Pyloric.

pyloric py·lor·ic (pī-lôr’ĭk, -pĭ-)
Relating to the pylorus.

pylorus py·lo·rus (pī-lôr’əs)
n. pl. py·lo·ri (-lôr’ī’)

(pī-lôr’əs, pĭ-)
Plural pylori (pī-lôr’ī’, pĭ-)
The passage at the lower end of the stomach that opens into the small intestine.

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