[pyuhng-yahng, -yang, pyong-] /ˈpyʌŋˈyɑŋ, -ˈyæŋ, ˈpyɒŋ-/
a city in and the capital of North Korea, in the SW part.
a country in E Asia: formed 1948 after the division of the former country of Korea at 38° N. 50,000 sq. mi. (129,500 sq. km).
Capital: Pyongyang.
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the capital of North Korea, in the southwest on the Taedong River: industrial centre; university (1946). Pop: 3 284 000 (2005 est)
a republic in NE Asia, on the Sea of Japan (East Sea) and the Yellow Sea: established in 1948 as a people’s republic; mostly rugged and mountainous, with fertile lowlands in the west Language: Korean. Currency: won. Capital: Pyongyang. Pop: 24 720 407 (2013 est). Area: 122 313 sq km (47 225 sq miles) Official name Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Korean name Chosŏn
North Korean capital, from Korean p’yong “flat” + yang “land.”
Pyongyang [(pyung-yahng, pyawng-yahng)]
Capital of North Korea and largest city in the country, located in west-central North Korea.
Note: Pyongyang is Korea’s oldest city, but little remains from its three-thousand-year history, after successive devastations by Japan and in the Korean War.
Republic on northern Korean Peninsula on east coast of Asia, bounded on the north by China, on the northeast by Russian Siberia, on the east by the Sea of Japan, on the south by South Korea, and on the west by the Yellow Sea and Korea Bay. Its capital and largest city is P’yongyang.
Note: A communist country that used to have close ties with the Soviet Union, North Korea, continues to maintain a close relationship with China.
Note: It was established in 1948 after two occupation zones were set up in northern and southern Korea during World War II.
Note: The Korean War began in 1950, when North Korean forces invaded South Korea. Supplied by the Soviets, and eventually joined by the Chinese, North Korea fought forces of South Korea and the United Nations.
Note: Run by one most closed and repressive regimes on Earth, North Korea has suffered from food shortages and a deteriorating economy.
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