
[ahy-dee-uh l, ahy-deel] /aɪˈdi əl, aɪˈdil/

a conception of something in its perfection.
a standard of perfection or excellence.
a person or thing conceived as embodying such a conception or conforming to such a standard, and taken as a model for imitation:
Thomas Jefferson was his ideal.
an ultimate object or aim of endeavor, especially one of high or noble character:
He refuses to compromise any of his ideals.
something that exists only in the imagination:
To achieve the ideal is almost hopeless.
Mathematics. a subring of a ring, any element of which when multiplied by any element of the ring results in an element of the subring.
conceived as constituting a standard of perfection or excellence:
ideal beauty.
regarded as perfect of its kind:
an ideal spot for a home.
existing only in the imagination; not real or actual:
Nature is real; beauty is ideal.
advantageous; excellent; best:
It would be ideal if she could accompany us as she knows the way.
based upon an ideal or ideals:
the ideal theory of numbers.

a conception of something that is perfect, esp that which one seeks to attain
a person or thing considered to represent perfection: he’s her ideal
something existing only as an idea
a pattern or model, esp of ethical behaviour
conforming to an ideal
of, involving, or existing in the form of an idea


early 15c., “pertaining to an archetype or model,” from Late Latin idealis “existing in idea,” from Latin idea in the Platonic sense (see idea). Sense of “perfect” first recorded 1610s.

“perfect person or thing,” 1796, in a translation of Kant, from ideal (adj.).

ideal i·de·al (ī-dē’əl, ī-dēl’)

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