
[kwah-suh-moh-doh, -zuh-moh-] /ˌkwɑ səˈmoʊ doʊ, -zəˈmoʊ-/

the ugly, humpbacked protagonist of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, by Victor Hugo.
[kwah-suh-moh-doh, -zuh-moh-; Italian kwah-zee-maw-daw] /ˌkwɑ səˈmoʊ doʊ, -zəˈmoʊ-; Italian ˌkwɑ ziˈmɔ dɔ/
[sahl-vah-taw-re] /ˌsɑl vɑˈtɔ rɛ/ (Show IPA), 1901–68, Italian poet: Nobel prize 1959.
another name for Low Sunday
a character in Victor Hugo’s novel Notre-Dame de Paris (1831), a grotesque hunch-backed bellringer of the cathedral of Notre Dame
(Italian) (kwaˈziːmodo). Salvatore (salvaˈtoːre). 1901–68, Italian poet, whose early work expresses symbolist ideas and techniques. His later work is more concerned with political and social issues: Nobel prize for literature 1959

“Low Sunday,” 1706, Quasimodo Sunday, from Latin quasi modo, first words of introit for the first Sunday after Easter: quasi modo geniti infantes “as newborn babes” (1 Pet. ii:2). The hunchback in Victor Hugo’s novel was supposed to have been abandoned as an infant at Notre Dame on this day, hence his name. For first element, see quasi; for second see mode (n.1).

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