
[rak-uh n-tur; French ra-kawn-tœr] /ˌræk ənˈtɜr; French ra kɔ̃ˈtœr/

noun, plural raconteurs
[rak-uh n-turz; French ra-kawn-tœr] /ˌræk ənˈtɜrz; French ra kɔ̃ˈtœr/ (Show IPA)
a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly.
a person skilled in telling stories

“storyteller, person skilled in relating anecdotes,” 1828, from French raconteur, from raconter “to recount, tell, narrate,” from re- (see re-) + Old French aconter “to count, render account” (see account (v.); and cf. recount (v.1)). Related: Raconteuse (fem.).

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