[rah-puh n] /ˈrɑ pən/
noun, plural rappen.
a bronze coin and monetary unit of Switzerland; centime.
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[rap-er] /ˈræp ər/ noun 1. a person or thing that or knocks. 2. the knocker of a door. 3. Slang. a person who chats or talks, especially freely. 4. a person who performs , especially professionally. /ˈræpə/ noun 1. something used for rapping, such as a knocker on a door 2. a performer of rap […]
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[rap-ee, rah-pee] /ˈræp i, ˈrɑ pi/ noun, Canadian (chiefly the Maritime Provinces) . 1. a pie containing grated potatoes and chicken, duck, or rabbit meat. /ˈræpeɪ/ noun 1. (Canadian) an Acadian dish of grated potatoes and pork or chicken
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[rap-ing] /ˈræp ɪŋ/ noun 1. the act or sound of a person or thing that . 2. communication by the sound of taps or knocks, as between medium and spirit during a séance. [rap] /ræp/ verb (used with object), rapped, rapping. 1. to strike, especially with a quick, smart, or light blow: He rapped the […]
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[ra-pee-nee] /ræˈpi ni/ noun 1. . [ra-pee-nee] /ræˈpi ni/ noun 1. the leaves of the turnip, Brassica rapa, eaten cooked or raw as greens.
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[hahr-muh-nist] /ˈhɑr mə nɪst/ noun 1. a member of a celibate religious sect that emigrated from Germany to Pennsylvania in 1803. [rap-ist] /ˈræp ɪst/ noun 1. . /ˈhɑːmənɪst/ noun 1. a person skilled in the art and techniques of harmony 2. a person who combines and collates parallel narratives